Quilt Squares, Wishes, and Assembly of Lexsi's Quilt
Gray, Pink, and Tan Floral
This blessing is very old probably more than 3000 years. Traditionally given by the descendants of Aaron to the people of Isreal. We believe that it is actually meant to be shared with everyone:
The LORD bless you and keep you!
The LORD deal kindly and graciously with you!
The LORD bestow his favour upon you and grant you peace!
These posts include the quilt squares and wishes we have received to date in no particular order due to the fact we have been collecting for a few months now and have lost track of who sent what when. Some of the wishes are already glued onto scrapbook pages, and others are not. Above is a photo of a few of our most recently received wish cards in case you're wondering what they might look like. People's personalities and creativity really shine through in these cards!